Salvator Fabris "De lo Schermo, overo Scienza d’Arme" ("On Defense, or the Science of Arms") p74/5


Single page from Salvator Fabris' "De lo Schermo, overo Scienza d’Arme" ("On Defense, or the Science of Arms") showing engagment and defence from the seconde and quarte positions

Salvator Fabris (Salvador Fabbri, Salvator Fabriz, Fabrice; 1544-1618) was a 16th – 17th century Italian knight and fencing master. He was born in or around Padua, Italy in 1544

In 1601, Fabris was hired as chief rapier instructor to the court of Christianus Ⅳ, King of Denmark and Duke Johan Frederik's cousin. He ultimately served in the royal court for five years; toward the end of his tenure and at the king's insistence, he published his opus under the title De lo Schermo, overo Scienza d’Arme ("On Defense, or the Science of Arms") or Sienza e Pratica d’Arme ("Science and Practice of Arms"). The court artist, Jan van Halbeeck, illustrated it.

Framed in stained wooden frame with acid free boards and double sided museum grade UltraVueUV99 glass(uv protection, non-reflective) by Clapham Picture Framers

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